


TuneMeIn is an app that is very important to me in terms of my learning growth.

The app idea originated from the fact that I myself enjoy watching tons of TV Show’s and Movies, very much to the point that I would sometimes find myself losing track of which particular show was going to air on the current day.

TuneMeIn as the name implies, is an app to provide a utility of tuning in the user to their respective shows on their respective air times.

So for example, if I wanted to be informed of when Agent’s of Shield would air, I would simply search for it in the app and add it to my watchlist which in turn would provide me with the option of setting a reminder according to the exact timing of the show…15 minutes prior to airing, it would send a notification.

The current version of the app which is available to download was built using UIKit.

Eventually, later down the road, I revisited the development of this app and decided to see if I could revamp the UI/UX Design entirely with the exclusive use of SwiftUI…of which I would come to learn more of.

The newer and more efficiently built version of the app currently resides in my local environment and was never publicly released due to lack of time to set things up but in the near future, I hope to finalize some things with it and get it up in the store.

The new version contains way more features and information with the added flare of SwiftUI’s easier animation implementation logic.