Springy Cube
Springy Cube was also one of my top most addicting and annoying games that I’ve ever built. The inspiration for the game came from a super popular game at the time called Flappy Bird. If you don’t know what the game was, basically the premise was that you had to keep tapping the screen in order for a bird to flap it’s wings to stay in the air, at the same time, you had to make sure the bird didn’t run into a green pipe which was making it’s way from right to left. The bird was stationary in the center of the screen, the pipes are what gave the illusion that the bird was moving.
My version of the game was essentially the same mechanics, with the only real difference being that the direction was vertical instead of a horizontal gameplay. As well as instead of designing fancy cool looking graphics for the game, I instead just made everything super simplistic with only colored shapes.
In terms of overall complexity, this was actually quite simple to build and didn’t take that long unlike the other apps that I’ve made.
This game was built in SpriteKit.