I started my YouTube channel a long time ago when I was first learning how to code with the intent of providing the assistance that I wish I had at the time.
All of the videos that you may find on my channel are all short tutorials on how to do specific technical things in iOS. To most, the actual task is very trivial and super simple but someone starting fresh in iOS development might think otherwise and that is where I hope my videos would help alleviate that feeling of being stuck or to discourage the feeling of self-doubt.
Now mind you, all of the current videos are super old since I created them when I was still figuring things out haha but still applicable in some way with some syntax changes…even till this day, I get comments on some videos saying how useful they’ve been!
I haven’t had the chance in a really long time to keep up with the uploads and video creation due to my full-time work, but it is part of my future goals to maintain some form of schedule for video uploading in my spare time.
So stay tune for future tutorials!